Giving back through life-changing experiences.
Seeing a need for energetic, nonprofit work in this area, we formed our organization to provide sensible solutions. We've consistently grown since then, all thanks to the helping hands of this amazing community!
Adventist-laymen’s Services & Industries is a cooperative network of lay individuals, professionals and ministries who share a common commitment to support the global mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
ASI Theme Song:
1 There’s a place for ev’ry worker
In the vineyard of the Lord,
Where with all our in pow’rs united,
We can toil with one accord;
There are needy hearts now waiting
For the help which we can give.
Let us guide them safely onward,
Let us show them how to live.
There’s a place, oh, may I find it,
Where my mission I can fill,
Be it humble or exalted, may I hold it with a will;
Help to serve my generation
With a heart of love and grace,
Help me, Lord, from this time onward,
Find and occupy my place.
2 There’s a place for ev’ry teacher
In the Bible training school,
Where our natures are made sweeter
As we teach the Golden Rule;
There’s a call for loyal service,
Where we all may work and pray;
Let us then be up and doing,
Teaching men the Savior’s way.
3 There’s a place for ev’ry Christian
In the church which we would serve,
Where we may uphold her standards
And from duty never swerve;
There are burdens to be lifted,
There are hearts in pain and grief,
Let us help the heavy laden
Bringing comfort and relief. [Chorus]
ASI is a membership-based organization of Seventh-day Adventist laypeople who are enthusiastic about actively participating in the church’s worldwide mission: to spread the gospel of Christ to the world. This unique and diverse group of members ranges from business owners to individual professionals to supporting ministries.
In short, ASI members are Adventists from every walk of life.
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Sabbath Morning Service
Sabbath ASI JAMU Service
Sundays ASI JAMU Service
Sunday Evening Service
Midweek ASI JAMU Service
Sabbath ASI JAMU Service
Sabbath Evening Service
This ASI Day is being celebrated under what is called the ‘COVID 19’epidemic, where millions are affected by this deadly virus and almost half a million people across the world have died. Countries across the globe have poured trillions of dollars into their economies in order to save them from collapsing.
People are never before as fearful of what has come upon the world as they are today.
The church has not gone untouched – we are not able to congregate in the buildings with the same numbers as we have done for centuries.
Our theme “BREAK OUT OF YOUR WALLS” is happening right before our eyes and we did not have to raise a hand to do so. It seems as if the hand of God has done the work for the church; now we must step out on the ruins and take the hand of God as He leads us into the uncomfortable.
This service is being held on the digital platform. ASI members, Lay members, we do not need a church pulpit, our pulpit is wherever we are placed by God - at our workplaces, our homes, our communities, on the phone, the internet, where ever we are!! Remember Matthew 28.16-20
16 Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go.
17 When they saw him, they worshipped him; but some doubted.
18 Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.
19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,
20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you, and
surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
In Jamaica, we have five chapters; some are strong and others are challenged.
Chapter leaders of ASI Jamaica you are called to “Share Christ in the
Each chapter will work with its Pastor and community leaders to reach people
where they are, for Christ Jesus.
ASI, you must move forward even if you are moving alone; this is your calling and
you must live up to it. We will establish in all chapters a community service
programme under the platform of the Good Samaritan Inn model.
We acknowledge the work the chapters are doing:
• North chapter led by Sis.Panchetta Beam and Bro. Dane Ellis,
• North East by Bro. Noel Terrier and Pastor Adlai Blythe,
• West Chapter by Sis. Trudi-Anne Howe and Pastor Charles Brevitt,
• Central Chapterled by Sis. Yvette Scott and Pastor Billy Watson,
• And our East Chapter by Bro. Alfred Thomas and Pastor Dr. Eric Nathan.
We at the JAMU ASI, the Union Administrators, myself and Pastor Dr Joseph Smith,
are encouraged by your enthusiasm for the work.
Remember the prophetess Ellen G White’s message, “Christ’s method alone will
give true success in reaching the people. The Saviour mingled with the people as
one who desired their good.
He showed sympathy for them, ministered to their need, and won their confidence.
Then He invited them, ‘Follow Me’” (MH 734)
I am encouraged by the ‘BREAK OUT OF YOUR WALLS’ series we have embarked on
over the last two years, where the weak is helped by the STRONG and the weak
becomes Strong and the Strong becomes STRONGER.
We must go where the people are; our blessing is in the “go”.
This COVID-19 epidemic has presented a challenge for the church and we must
work with the leaders to face these challenges. These are:
- We now have a number of members who are knocking on the doors of the
church for them to reopen so they can go and worship. For these members
to worship anywhere else is not acceptable or comfortable for them.
- Another group is those who are tentative and unsure if they are ready to go
to church and sing and worship as before. With all the restrictions and
uncertainty, they are not sure they want to take the chance.
- The third group includes those who have experienced the joy of digital
worship and do not want to give it up and return to church before all is
settled. They believe the church must take the message through this
platform and reach the world and hasten the coming of Christ.
Leaders must manage these categories of members if we are going to fulfil the
mission of preparing the people of God for His coming. Leaders must therefore be
sensitive and manage these different expectations if we are to achieve the
mission of our Lord and Saviour.
Today I call upon all ASI members and Laypersons to break down your walls and
walk on the ruins with confidence, and work with your church in telling members
of your communities that ‘Jesus is coming soon’.
God bless you.
Cecil Foster
Jamaica Union ASI
June 2020
IAD Adventist-laymen Services and Industries (ASI) Convention 2019 - Divine Service
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We invite you to watch and listen to our JAMU ASI Week of celebration "Break out of Your Walls" live streaming @ or www.yout...